The well documented but now largely forgotten Duplessis Orphans case is
widely recognized as the largest case of institution-based youth
sexual abuse, torture, murder and exploitation in Canadian history.
There are about 3000 survivors, who as children were wrongfully put into
Catholic Church run orphanages and psychiatric institutions.
While victims have received some minor compensation from the government – the victims of Catholic Church orders remain largely uncompensated for sexual abuse, torture, and human experimentation suffered at the hands of priests and nuns. Now they want an apology and justice from the Catholic Church which has so far avoided liability for its crimes.
While victims have received some minor compensation from the government – the victims of Catholic Church orders remain largely uncompensated for sexual abuse, torture, and human experimentation suffered at the hands of priests and nuns. Now they want an apology and justice from the Catholic Church which has so far avoided liability for its crimes.