Survivors are calling for the Westbank home, in
Greystones, Co Wicklow, to be included in the wide-ranging inquiry
tasked with investigating the State’s network of mother-and-baby homes. The
children allege that they were beaten with electric flexes and
coathangers, that they were constantly hungry and starving and that Ms
Mathers, who insisted on the name ‘Auntie’ ran a sort of a reign of
Originally known as the Protestant Home for Orphan & Destitute Girls and based in Harold’s Cross, Dublin, the institution moved to Wicklow in the late 1940s, and began taking in boys as well as girls.
Originally known as the Protestant Home for Orphan & Destitute Girls and based in Harold’s Cross, Dublin, the institution moved to Wicklow in the late 1940s, and began taking in boys as well as girls.