When will the other churches come to the party? Why are they silent and letting
the Catholics take all the heat? Aged 17 I was groomed and assaulted by an
Anglican church official. Nearly 14 years after I first complained, they are
still telling me to go away. In 1997, they said I had to withdraw my complaint
from the Police before they would investigate. Then they said "he didn't do it"
and told me to go away. Then after continued pressure, they appointed a
barrister who said my complaint was substantiated.
Then they fired the perpetrator and told me to go away. Although they magnanimously paid for some counselling, they have never once apologised or taken responsibility for the destruction of my childhood. They say at 17 I should have known better. But I had only just turned 17 and was a school leaver. I had never even seen a male unclothed before he exposed himself to me in the cathedral organ loft. I am still waiting for any form of justice. This is despite a memo obtained from the Diocesan office that detailed his molestation of a 12 year old in the 1950s!
Then they fired the perpetrator and told me to go away. Although they magnanimously paid for some counselling, they have never once apologised or taken responsibility for the destruction of my childhood. They say at 17 I should have known better. But I had only just turned 17 and was a school leaver. I had never even seen a male unclothed before he exposed himself to me in the cathedral organ loft. I am still waiting for any form of justice. This is despite a memo obtained from the Diocesan office that detailed his molestation of a 12 year old in the 1950s!