I AM a victim of sex abuse under the Christian Brothers in Belfast.
Does the Catholic Church not realise the pain, hurt, suffering and
downgrading that we had went through at the hands of these evil people? The Church not only ruined my life, my body, my mind, my childhood,
but, most of all, they took away my faith. They took everything that was
sacred and ruined it, soiled it and made me feel so ashamed and dirty.
I was first abused by the Christian Brothers at the age of nine. No-one was there to help, not even God. My mother, priests and Christian Brothers brushed it under the carpet. Under threats and punishment I was told never to tell anyone about it. What my brain-washed mother called it was "my shame."
I was first abused by the Christian Brothers at the age of nine. No-one was there to help, not even God. My mother, priests and Christian Brothers brushed it under the carpet. Under threats and punishment I was told never to tell anyone about it. What my brain-washed mother called it was "my shame."