Alone in his room the priest would mastermind his hunt. He would examine his
conscious as he looked in the mirror. He admires his body and hungers for it to
touched by a young boy's hand. He is reminded of his vow of celibacy but knows
it does
not work for him or for most of his peers.
Many of them share stories of their affairs with the outside world and the temptations they confront daily. Few, however, speak about "crossing the line" by submitting to their carnal desires. At the fortress nightly visitations by young boys are frequent and are masked as "vocational counseling."
Many of them share stories of their affairs with the outside world and the temptations they confront daily. Few, however, speak about "crossing the line" by submitting to their carnal desires. At the fortress nightly visitations by young boys are frequent and are masked as "vocational counseling."