The Vatican’s protection of bishops complicit in recycling clergy sex
abusers is a front-burner issue for Alberto Athié, one of Mexico’s most
respected public figures. Last July, when Pope Francis met with abuse survivors in Rome, Athié
posted an open letter asking the pope to dismiss Mexico City Cardinal
Norberto Rivera for his defense over many years of the long-accused
pedophile and founder of the Legion of Christ religious order Father
Marcial Maciel.
Athié’s manifesto, signed by 128 abuse survivors, lawyers and supportive groups, called for reforms in the way church leadership handles abuse cases — and the loophole that gives bishops full discretion and has kept Pope Francis from making significant progress in his efforts to create a “zero tolerance” policy.
Athié’s manifesto, signed by 128 abuse survivors, lawyers and supportive groups, called for reforms in the way church leadership handles abuse cases — and the loophole that gives bishops full discretion and has kept Pope Francis from making significant progress in his efforts to create a “zero tolerance” policy.