The gut-wrenching accounts coming
out of Ballarat this week are enough to bring a man to his knees:
stories of young people crippled by sexual abuse; stories of utter
betrayal; stories we would rather not hear — stories we must hear.
It is hard being a Catholic priest today. Our shame is deep, for some it’s overwhelming because good people are being condemned by association. But we must not fall prey to self-pity because as hard as it is for us, we are not nearly as innocent, or as damaged, as the children who are only now being given a voice.
It is hard being a Catholic priest today. Our shame is deep, for some it’s overwhelming because good people are being condemned by association. But we must not fall prey to self-pity because as hard as it is for us, we are not nearly as innocent, or as damaged, as the children who are only now being given a voice.