The Melbourne Catholic Archdiocese knew that Father Wilfred James
Baker was committing crimes against children but it allowed him to
continue in the priesthood, thereby inflicting him on more victims. This
cover-up was finally exposed by Broken Rites and Baker
was jailed. After he finished this jail term, more of his earlier
victims came forward. But, in February 2014, Baker died before the
courts could sentence him again.
Broken Rites first heard about Father Baker after Broken Rites launched its Australia-wide telephone hotline in late 1993. Broken Rites advised these callers that victims should contact the Victoria Police sexual offences and child abuse unit. As a result, detectives eventually charged Baker with child-sex crimes.
Broken Rites first heard about Father Baker after Broken Rites launched its Australia-wide telephone hotline in late 1993. Broken Rites advised these callers that victims should contact the Victoria Police sexual offences and child abuse unit. As a result, detectives eventually charged Baker with child-sex crimes.