In recent years, atheism has enjoyed something of a resurgence,
especially with the rise of the so-called “New Atheism.” The term was
first coined in 2006 to describe the group of media-savvy atheists — men
like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and the late
Christopher Hitchens — whose books attacking religion in general and
Christianity in particular have sold by the truckload.
Yet despite its popularity, much of contemporary atheism thrives on poor arguments and cheap sound bites, making claims that simply don’t stand up to scrutiny. Like a cheaply made cardigan, they’re full of loose threads that quickly unravel if you tug at them.
Yet despite its popularity, much of contemporary atheism thrives on poor arguments and cheap sound bites, making claims that simply don’t stand up to scrutiny. Like a cheaply made cardigan, they’re full of loose threads that quickly unravel if you tug at them.