If you take one thing away from what you read today, let it be this: Delayed reporting
of sexual abuse is a common, normal reaction from someone who has
experienced traumatic events — especially children.
There are any number of reasons for that, Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem said. "Depending on the age of the kids, they may not even know that (the abuse) is wrong," he said. "They've been groomed, so the relationship may seem normal; and oftentimes, there's a significant level of fear put on them: Don't you tell, or …"
There are any number of reasons for that, Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem said. "Depending on the age of the kids, they may not even know that (the abuse) is wrong," he said. "They've been groomed, so the relationship may seem normal; and oftentimes, there's a significant level of fear put on them: Don't you tell, or …"