On his tour of the United States, Pope Francis has forcefully reminded
the world about the importance of looking after the planet and the
perils of climate change. His criticisms of the world economic system
and the plight of the poor are timely and welcome.
There is very little that Pope Francis can personally do about either of these things except to do what he has done — warn and exhort. But there is one thing that he can personally do about child sexual abuse, and that is to change canon law by abolishing the pontifical secret over allegations of the sexual abuse of children by clergy and religious.
There is very little that Pope Francis can personally do about either of these things except to do what he has done — warn and exhort. But there is one thing that he can personally do about child sexual abuse, and that is to change canon law by abolishing the pontifical secret over allegations of the sexual abuse of children by clergy and religious.