He was a very scary man and and very intimidating, with a gaze that
would just pierce you,’ former altar boy says of Sunbury parish priest
Peter Searson. A victim of child sexual abuse at the hands of a Melbourne
priest, Peter Searson, has told a royal commission that he now sits at
home in the dark with the door locked because it is the only place he
feels safe.
The victim, identified only as BVD, said the abuse had begun when he was about nine years old in 1978, while he was serving as an altar boy at the Our Lady of Carmel parish in Sunbury. Searson was the parish priest and BVD was ordered to mow his lawn and wash his car.
The victim, identified only as BVD, said the abuse had begun when he was about nine years old in 1978, while he was serving as an altar boy at the Our Lady of Carmel parish in Sunbury. Searson was the parish priest and BVD was ordered to mow his lawn and wash his car.