
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

21 January 2016

I told mom my stepdad was sexually abusing me and she said I had to practise forgiveness'

Ruth Wariner was the thirty-ninth of her father's forty-two children, growing up on a farm in rural Mexico, where authorities turn a blind eye to the practices of her community. She lived in ramshackle house without indoor plumbing or electricity. 
After Ruth's father - the man who had been the founding prophet of the colony - was murdered by his brother in a bid for church power, her mother remarried, becoming the second wife of another faithful congregant.