Oops... so the true colours are out now... is this being said against
the priest... opening up about the rape... and cover-up within the
catholic church... it sounds so much like it...
Tighten the ranks boys and girls... we have a long fight ahead of us... but remember that the TRUTH... always comes out in the end... Ann
"If you get an urge to say something against a brother or a sister, to drop a gossip bomb, bite your tongue! Hard!" the pontiff said in an improvised speech to members of the clergy marking the end of the Year of Consecrated Life.
Tighten the ranks boys and girls... we have a long fight ahead of us... but remember that the TRUTH... always comes out in the end... Ann
Pope Francis told gossip-loving priests and nuns to bite their
tongues on Monday, and warned those breaking their vow of obedience to
fall into line sharpish."If you get an urge to say something against a brother or a sister, to drop a gossip bomb, bite your tongue! Hard!" the pontiff said in an improvised speech to members of the clergy marking the end of the Year of Consecrated Life.