this is a lie... right from the start... you do not need to cover our
eyes... we all know that Rome has plenty of money... and Pell knows that
as well... it is an excuses to once again... keep the rape of
children... covered up and hidden away forever... and where is the best
place to do that... ROME... now is this why... Pell is in-charge of the
money... he is a guy... who does not know how to tell the truth... he
would move heaven... to keep the truth hidden... Pell is on this
continuous roller coaster... with his lies and cover-ups... this thing
about NO MONEY... is the latest of Rome's lies... Ann
The only female survivor of child clerical abuse to be appointed to the body told the Irish Catholic newspaper there is talk in commission circles about fundraising, but she personally opposes going down that route.
The child protection commission established by Pope Francis could be
hindered because of funding shortages, according to its Irish member,
Marie Collins.The only female survivor of child clerical abuse to be appointed to the body told the Irish Catholic newspaper there is talk in commission circles about fundraising, but she personally opposes going down that route.