Without a doubt, the child abuse scandal in the Catholic Church has been
one of the most painful episodes of recent Church history.
n abundant media and press coverage has casted a shadow over the pastoral work of the Church. There is a truth that has to be faced, and there are exaggerations and manipulations that have to be addressed. Bishop Charles Scicluna, Auxiliary Bishop of Malta and former Promoter of Justice in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, talks to host Jonas Soto about the significant achievements that the Church has accomplish in this regard.
n abundant media and press coverage has casted a shadow over the pastoral work of the Church. There is a truth that has to be faced, and there are exaggerations and manipulations that have to be addressed. Bishop Charles Scicluna, Auxiliary Bishop of Malta and former Promoter of Justice in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, talks to host Jonas Soto about the significant achievements that the Church has accomplish in this regard.