"In 1995, two individuals alleged sexual abuse by Father Robert Hopkins in the 1970s." "In 1999, an individual alleged sexual abuse by Father Timothy Murphy in the late 1960s to early 1970s."
"In 2002, an individual alleged sexual abuse in the mid-1970s by Dennis Pecore, who was then a religious brother."
http://www.union-bulletin.com/opinion/opinion_columns/catholic-church-still-protecting-its-own/article_694c43e4-1b79-11e6-ae39-3fd2938413be.htmlCatholic Church still protecting its own
http://www.union-bulletin.com/opinion/opinion_columns/catholic-church-still-protecting-its-own/article_694c43e4-1b79-11e6-ae39-3fd2938413be.htmlCatholic Church still protecting its own