Eight months after the Boston Globe’s powerful investigation
into the Boston archdiocese’s cover up of sexual abuse within the
Church in 2002, the Baltimore archdiocese published a list of 57 priests
who had been accused of abuse. The archdiocese was among the first in
the country to do so. Now, the Baltimore diocese has updated its list to
71 priests, and advocates are taking notice.
The original list from 2002 was never meant to be final or permanent, said Archdiocese officials. At the time the list was originally published, Cardinal William H. Keeler said such abuse of children at the hands of priest was “the spiritual equivalent of murder.”
The original list from 2002 was never meant to be final or permanent, said Archdiocese officials. At the time the list was originally published, Cardinal William H. Keeler said such abuse of children at the hands of priest was “the spiritual equivalent of murder.”