We are the storm... and we have been gathering... together as one big tornado... as we reach our heights... and spread our TRUTH... around the world... so as it is load and clear... because we are the WARRIORS.... who will NEVER GIVE IN... because the storms gets stronger by the day... all because the WARRIORS... have their strength from each other... and WE HAVE BECOME ONE... JUST LIKE THE STORM... Ann
14 May 2016
We are the Worriors of the Storm
We are the storm... and we have been gathering... together as one big tornado... as we reach our heights... and spread our TRUTH... around the world... so as it is load and clear... because we are the WARRIORS.... who will NEVER GIVE IN... because the storms gets stronger by the day... all because the WARRIORS... have their strength from each other... and WE HAVE BECOME ONE... JUST LIKE THE STORM... Ann