Father Michael Nicolai is the priest at Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the
Russian Orthodox Church in Dillingham. Early on Saturday July 16, police
were called to the parish home behind the church by his wife, who
reported she had been assaulted.
Dan Pasquariello is the chief of Dillingham Police. “The officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance. They went there, they interviewed all parties involved, they made an arrest. The information they gathered, after conferring with the district attorney, led them to charge Father Nicholai with attempted sexual assault and a physical assault.”
Dan Pasquariello is the chief of Dillingham Police. “The officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance. They went there, they interviewed all parties involved, they made an arrest. The information they gathered, after conferring with the district attorney, led them to charge Father Nicholai with attempted sexual assault and a physical assault.”