Main suspect accused of indecent acts against minors at Tel Aviv institution; 22 victims allegedly abused over decade. Indictments were filed Tuesday against six teachers at an ultra-Orthodox
school in Tel Aviv for alleged severe physical abuse of pupils. One of
the suspects is also accused of serious sexual abuse.
Suspects Avraham Rosenfeld, 49; Yisrael Haim Shapira, 65; Haim Fishgrund, 69; Moshe Hirsch, 39; Menachem Alberstein, 62; and Avraham Pinhas Deitish, 53, were indicted at Tel Aviv District Court for abuse of and attacks on minors in their care.
Suspects Avraham Rosenfeld, 49; Yisrael Haim Shapira, 65; Haim Fishgrund, 69; Moshe Hirsch, 39; Menachem Alberstein, 62; and Avraham Pinhas Deitish, 53, were indicted at Tel Aviv District Court for abuse of and attacks on minors in their care.