Summary of Case: Ronald Cooper was ordained for the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1983. He was assigned as an assistant to
parishes in Bridgetown, Groesbeck, Dayton and Withamsville before being
named pastor in Greenfield. He also pastored parishes in New Vienna and
Fayetteville. In late 2003 a man told the archdiocese that Cooper
sexually abused him as a boy in the early 1980s while assigned to St.
Aloysius Gonzaga in Bridgetown.
The man said the abuse happened at the parish and at the Friar's Club. Cooper acknowledged contact with the boy, but denied "sexual intent." He was suspended from ministry in January 2004. The case could not be criminally prosecuted due to the statute of limitations. Cooper was laicized in October 2014.
The man said the abuse happened at the parish and at the Friar's Club. Cooper acknowledged contact with the boy, but denied "sexual intent." He was suspended from ministry in January 2004. The case could not be criminally prosecuted due to the statute of limitations. Cooper was laicized in October 2014.