that is what paying the victim / survivors is all about... you may as
well shut up now... because once you get paid out... by the catholic
church... it will be far too late... for you to get any justice from
them... you will be again as they want you... a little boy or girl...
giving in to them again and again... you don't need your hands tied...
behind you back any more... you have a voice now... and they want you
to... be that weak child all over again... don't give in to the catholic
church... and remember what we have always known... they have no god...
their god is money... wealth... power and control... and this is why...
they are using their money... to keep their power over you... and for
you to have no voice once more... Didn't we know that this is... the whole idea of paying the money out... to the victims - Survivors... Ann
The New York Roman Catholic
archdiocese has announced it is willing to pay off the victims of
pedophile priests in exchange for their silence.
Any records of such abuse and what the church did about it would also remain private.
It’s an attempt by the church to again avoid accountability and responsibility for the abuse of children.