Many reports and inquiries, but little positive change
The many reports, inquests and inquiries about child protection over the years tell us that we have not adequately addressed the issue of keeping children safe from harm. South Australia has had four independent child protection inquiries, since the Layton Review in 2003.
In 2003, the Report of the Review of Child Protection in South Australia – Our best investment: A state plan to protect and advance the interests of children (Layton Review) provided a set of recommendations that called for an overhaul of the system in order to keep children safe.
The many reports, inquests and inquiries about child protection over the years tell us that we have not adequately addressed the issue of keeping children safe from harm. South Australia has had four independent child protection inquiries, since the Layton Review in 2003.
In 2003, the Report of the Review of Child Protection in South Australia – Our best investment: A state plan to protect and advance the interests of children (Layton Review) provided a set of recommendations that called for an overhaul of the system in order to keep children safe.