As someone who has followed the child sex abuse royal commission
with horror and fury, my desire (make that demand) has been consistent
– make them pay!
My greatest fear was that those innocents, whose dignity, self-esteem and human rights were ripped away by those they trusted, would be abused all over again in their quest for justice. The retelling of their stories would be mere fodder for a news cycle, and then once the hearings concluded, we would all tut tut and go our merry way, grateful that "times have changed" and the culpable institutions had "learnt a lesson".
My greatest fear was that those innocents, whose dignity, self-esteem and human rights were ripped away by those they trusted, would be abused all over again in their quest for justice. The retelling of their stories would be mere fodder for a news cycle, and then once the hearings concluded, we would all tut tut and go our merry way, grateful that "times have changed" and the culpable institutions had "learnt a lesson".