The lawyers fees should NOT BE ADDED ONTO THE VICTIMS/SURVIVORS BILL... the lawyers fees should be separate from their compensation... I have seen some survivors get only $5,000.00... after they have paid their lawyers... this is not on... the lawyers get paid far too much money... I have seen lawyers get paid over a $ and the victims get what paddy short at... that is piss all... Ann
In its first public seminar, the independent inquiry chaired by Prof Alexis Jay was also told that proposals to introduce a fixed costs regime could add a further barrier to justice.
Inquiry chaired by Alexis Jay holds public seminar, hearing that proposed fixed costs regime is a further threat to litigation. Victims of abuse are finding it increasingly difficult to bring
claims for compensation to court because of cuts to legal aid and high
legal fees, the inquiry into child sexual abuse has heard.In its first public seminar, the independent inquiry chaired by Prof Alexis Jay was also told that proposals to introduce a fixed costs regime could add a further barrier to justice.