it amazes me about the "Soul Murder"... and "Law Unto Themselves"...
not because some people have heard about these sayings today... it is
because us survivors have been trying to tell everyone the world over...
every day about these two sayings... we were told that we were mad...
that we hated the catholic church... I would say that I did not hate the
catholic church... I hated what the nuns... priest and their workers
did to us... it still did not stop the name calling... and their nasty
words to us...
we were weak within ourselves... but we never once turned our backs... on other survivors who came and went... because they could not handle the re-abuse... which they were getting from the catholic men and women... on the boards... I told them that I would never go away in 2001... and I am still on many boards... trying to bring forward... about the nuns and women who raped us little children... in their so call care.. Ann
The Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse there was a lack of transparency within the church.
we were weak within ourselves... but we never once turned our backs... on other survivors who came and went... because they could not handle the re-abuse... which they were getting from the catholic men and women... on the boards... I told them that I would never go away in 2001... and I am still on many boards... trying to bring forward... about the nuns and women who raped us little children... in their so call care.. Ann
The Catholic church is a "law unto itself" in need of serious
cultural reform if it is to properly address widespread allegations of
child sexual abuse within its ranks, a royal commission heard.The Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse there was a lack of transparency within the church.