On Friday, the Archdiocese of Agana acknowledged that Guam's mother
Catholic church, the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica, stands on
the brink of financial collapse.
Over the past two years, the Cathedral-Basilica had taken on a $1.9 million debt, and the debt is getting tougher to carry, along with paying the bills to keep the church running. Collections from churchgoers have shrunk to less than half of what they once were, from about $10,000 a week to $4,000 a week on average, the Archdiocesan Finance Council said in a press conference on Friday. A receivership has been named to manage the church's finances.
Over the past two years, the Cathedral-Basilica had taken on a $1.9 million debt, and the debt is getting tougher to carry, along with paying the bills to keep the church running. Collections from churchgoers have shrunk to less than half of what they once were, from about $10,000 a week to $4,000 a week on average, the Archdiocesan Finance Council said in a press conference on Friday. A receivership has been named to manage the church's finances.