Many details in a shocking abuse and murder case in Kansas City — the
ended with the discovery of a little boy’s body in a pig pen — remain
under wraps, as the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF)
has not released records about the years Adrian Jones was allegedly held
captive under the guise of homeschooling by the couple who later
admitted to murdering him.
In 2012, according to 41 Action News, the DCF removed Adrian Jones and his six sisters from his mother’s home and placed him in the care of his biological father, Michael Jones, and stepmother, Heather Jones — although the children’s maternal grandmother had asked for custody. Three years later, authorities would find the little boy’s decomposed body in a livestock pen near the home.
In 2012, according to 41 Action News, the DCF removed Adrian Jones and his six sisters from his mother’s home and placed him in the care of his biological father, Michael Jones, and stepmother, Heather Jones — although the children’s maternal grandmother had asked for custody. Three years later, authorities would find the little boy’s decomposed body in a livestock pen near the home.