
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

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" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

8 October 2017

Pope denounces porn and corruption of kids' minds, bodies

PORN starts within ROME... you need to first stop the porn... which we have seen over the many years... coming out from the computers from ROME... the porn is right under your nose... and you still do not get it... listen to your people... and stop blaming the children...
the TVs programs use to be censored but not anymore... it should come back... the programs are so bad now on TV... it is up to the world to stand together... the news papers... to put our voices and words out there and say;... STOP NO MORE PORN ON OUR TVs... and OVER RATED MOVIES... they are WORST today than they have ever being... this is the only way we will see a way clear... its got to happened... because NOW... there is no control over what our children and children's children can watch on TV...or the MOVIES any more... Ann  
Pope Francis on Friday denounced the proliferation of adult and child pornography on the internet and demanded better protections for children online — even as the Vatican confronts its own cross-border child porn investigation involving a top papal envoy.
Francis met with participants of a Catholic Church-backed international conference on fighting child pornography and protecting children in the digital age. He fully backed their proposals to toughen sanctions against those who abuse and exploit children online and improve technological filters to prevent young people from accessing porn online.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/article177375671.html#storylink=cpy