Then why did you NOT do anything about it... but covered it up... you walked away from the sufferings of the children... the children were the little soldiers of Jesus Christ... you took from us little children... the most important part of Spirit.... Our Faith... was taken away from us... the first time we were raped by God's brides and servants nuns and priest... THAT is what hurt us the most... Ann
Archbishop Wilson is accused of covering up abuse by Hunter Valley priest Jim Fletcher, who is now dead, in the 1970s.
The man who claims his child sexual abuse was covered up by the Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, has told a court his claims shocked the clergyman four decades ago.
Peter Creigh has asked for a non-publication order on his name to be lifted, with Newcastle Local Court told he was ready to have his identity revealed.Archbishop Wilson is accused of covering up abuse by Hunter Valley priest Jim Fletcher, who is now dead, in the 1970s.