I attended the Survivors Network of Abuse by Priests conference In Chicago July 5 to 8.
I have been a contributing member of SNAP the last two years. It was wonderful to see so many courageous survivors sharing what they had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church hierarchy and priests. Those at the conference are dedicated to saving other children and adults from the same fate. The Catholic Hierarchy have for centuries lust let the abused suffer with no compassion or help. In fact they have lied and because of those lies, millions of lives have been destroyed, many by suicide, drugs, alcohol or other self-inflicted wounds. Those abusers were often transferred to other parishes or left for years to repeat the abuse. The victims, children or adults, had to stay quiet because of threats against them or their families, or because the trauma was too much for them to handle. Many abusers were sent to therapy and we parishioners paid millions to help something that couldn’t be cured, while families struggled to help their loved ones.
I have been a contributing member of SNAP the last two years. It was wonderful to see so many courageous survivors sharing what they had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church hierarchy and priests. Those at the conference are dedicated to saving other children and adults from the same fate. The Catholic Hierarchy have for centuries lust let the abused suffer with no compassion or help. In fact they have lied and because of those lies, millions of lives have been destroyed, many by suicide, drugs, alcohol or other self-inflicted wounds. Those abusers were often transferred to other parishes or left for years to repeat the abuse. The victims, children or adults, had to stay quiet because of threats against them or their families, or because the trauma was too much for them to handle. Many abusers were sent to therapy and we parishioners paid millions to help something that couldn’t be cured, while families struggled to help their loved ones.