
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

14 April 2015

'Naive' churches are a soft touch for paedophiles, experts claim

Get it right... they raped innocent children... they knew what they were doing... was wrong and the worse sin... that any one could commit... against god... and little children... the catholic church... this is way they entered into the priesthood... they knew that it would be so easy for them... to do what every they wanted to... to the unwanted children of the catholic church... they RAPED us children... because they made sure... that they picked the boys and girls... who had no one looking out for them... and with them being nuns and priest... no one would believe the words of us children... no matter how often we told some one... about the abuse and rape... we were told to go back to work... or to school... and not to tell lies... then we got our mouths washed out... with a cake of soap...  they knew what they were doing... and that it was the biggest sin of them all... because most of us have lost our faith in god... and the catholic church... Ann


Convicted paedophiles often seek out places of worship on their release, warns head of safeguarding at the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service. Churches are still viewed as a “soft touch” by paedophiles hunting for victims, despite tighter child-protection measures after a series of abuse scandals, one of Britain’s leading experts on the issue has warned.