
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

19 April 2015

Protecting paedophile priests goes back to canon law: IT IS RAPE NOT SEX

You know full well... that RAPE of children is a crime... it seems to me... that what is written in the Canon Law... only means more protection for the abusers...  There needs to be a change in the Canon Law... regarding Rape of children... and men and women... by nuns and priest... you all know the rules... and crimes of the land... and more so the rights and wrong... of the catholic church... you know damn well that RAPE IS A CRIME...  and you know that once you admit that... you are a goner... I wish these lawyers who coach you all... stop putting words into... these priest and nuns heads... as like... never admit to what you have done... so instead of saying rape of children... just stick to sex... that way it is not RAPE...  IT IS RAPE NOT SEX... you lawyers are just as bad as the rapist... you tell them what to say... so you are as bad as they are... POPE FRANCES... change the Canon Law... so as there is no loop holes in it... for the abusers to use... against the innocent children... Ann 


How is it that the Catholic Church has not only harboured so many paedophile priests but strenuously covered up their criminal activities?  This conspiracy exists not only in Australia but in other countries where the Catholic Church functions. We've seen the same pattern in Ireland, Britain and the US. It is a cover-up on a global scale. 
With the work of the royal commission into child sexual abuse and the Newcastle Maitland special commission we've been hearing, almost on a daily basis, of senior priests protecting the worst sort of offenders, failing to report them to the civil authorities, moving them around when things got hot, and generally being part of what can only be described as a large-scale criminal protection racket.
