Beginning in 1820 and continuing until the 1980s in some provinces,
Canada had an explicit policy of erasing the culture, languages and
religion of Indigenous nations — First Nation, Métis and Inuit — by
taking children from their parents and placing them in foster homes or
residential schools.
The government seized 150,000 children, of whom at least 6,000 died and thousands suffered physical and sexual abuse. The Catholic Church had a major hand in running these schools. Some leaders of Idle No More, a militant Indigenous rights group in Canada, have called on the Catholic pope to personally apologize for the church’s crimes.
The government seized 150,000 children, of whom at least 6,000 died and thousands suffered physical and sexual abuse. The Catholic Church had a major hand in running these schools. Some leaders of Idle No More, a militant Indigenous rights group in Canada, have called on the Catholic pope to personally apologize for the church’s crimes.