
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

10 January 2016

St. Teresa and the Single Ladies

This is what most cults... and religions are about... obey your husband no matter what he does... or does not do to you... read this... it is an eye opener... and so true... pop out babies for the rest of your life... I went to talk to a priest once... and he told me to obey my husband... having all of these miscarriages... I wanted to go on the pill... for my body to have a rest... I was a slave to the catholic church for 25years... growing up in their orphanages... but no more... years later I got cancer of the womb... and had to have a hysterectomy... three months after that operation... they found that I had cancer of the right kidney... which they also removed...
I am my own person now... and do not go to any church... they all have one thing in common... MONEY... splitting up families is another thing... that they do so well at...  Ann
Ávila, Spain — I made the mistake of falling for a man who wants a wife. I should clarify that I do not mean he wants me to be his wife. Men don’t look at me and think I’d make good wife material. Maybe because of how much I swear. But I go to Berlin to see him, he tells me his future plans for marriage and family, and I understand that I am not compatible with those plans. Then I flee, to huddle in the backs of cathedrals, an impulse that I do not fully understand.