He called it magic, the secret ways he could conjure particular
sensations inside the 12-year-old boy from Ballarat if he cared to slip
his pants down. And magic it was, of a kind. The boy was transformed
through that cruel and endless year of 1984;
the magic man’s quiet bushland car seat tricks cast their spell, a curse that followed the boy through the next three decades of his life, could make him freeze at the sound of a name, make him crumble at the sight of a face. Like magic. A dazzling, show-stopping 30-year disappearing act, where a loving husband and devoted father of three boys disintegrates before the eyes of his loved ones, vanishes into nothing.
the magic man’s quiet bushland car seat tricks cast their spell, a curse that followed the boy through the next three decades of his life, could make him freeze at the sound of a name, make him crumble at the sight of a face. Like magic. A dazzling, show-stopping 30-year disappearing act, where a loving husband and devoted father of three boys disintegrates before the eyes of his loved ones, vanishes into nothing.