“It’s Not Okay to abuse and use anyone,” says singer/songwriter/author Linda Newlin in her new, provocative song and music video. The images and scenes depict all forms of abuse going on in our world and challenge the abusers who have hurt others and those who have been complicit by keeping quiet.
Newlin originally wrote the song and produced the video on the heels of the sexual abuse scandals perpetrated by the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts but its message is just as relevant today. Just this weekend, Facebook was flooded with “Me Too” messages from tens of thousands of women speaking up about sexual harassment and abuse.
Newlin originally wrote the song and produced the video on the heels of the sexual abuse scandals perpetrated by the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts but its message is just as relevant today. Just this weekend, Facebook was flooded with “Me Too” messages from tens of thousands of women speaking up about sexual harassment and abuse.