Church keeps sex abuse redress property. Documents obtained reveal a further 13 properties “handed over” in 2009, including the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dublin, also continue to remain outside of the State’s control.
The Department of Education has been sharply criticised by the chairman and members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for the “unacceptable delays” in transferring the properties over to the State. bThe PAC is to bring the secretary general of the Department of Education, Seán Ó Foghlú, next week to seek answers from him over the failure to transfer the lands.
The Department of Education has been sharply criticised by the chairman and members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for the “unacceptable delays” in transferring the properties over to the State. bThe PAC is to bring the secretary general of the Department of Education, Seán Ó Foghlú, next week to seek answers from him over the failure to transfer the lands.