We always hear stories of all the kids who were killed at Kuper
Island. A graveyard for the babies of the priests and girls was right south
of the school until it was dug up by the priests when the school closed in
1973. The nuns would abort babies and sometimes end up killing the mothers.
There were a lot of disappearances.
My mother, who is 83 now, saw a priest
drag a girl down a flight of stairs by her hair and the girl died as a
result. Girls were raped and killed, and buried under the floorboards. We
asked the local RCMP to exhume that place and search for remains but they've
always refused, as recently as 1996. Corporal Sampson even threatened us.
That kind of cover-up is the norm. Children were put together with kids sick
with TB in the infirmary. That was standard procedure. We've documented
thirty-five outright murders in a seven-year period. (Testimony of Diane
Harris to the IHRAAM Tribunal, June 13, 1998)