
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

8 October 2015

Italian Priest Dismissed After Blaming Children for Sexual Abuse

Some thing is starting to happen... we are at last seeing results... of us men and women... pushing for justice for every one... no mater in which home... orphanages... or religion.. the abuse and rape took place in... we have our voice... and we must keep shouting... across the airways... to get a Royal Commission into child abuse... from the 1900... up to the present time... as the rape and abuse of innocent children... IS STILL HAPPENING ACROSS NEW ZEALAND... even in the family homes... too many people have turned a blind eye... when it comes to child abuse... and worst still... is the abuse and rape of children... done by nuns and women... the abusers need to be made accountable... and I see that the only way that this can happen... is a Royal Commission into child abuse...  Ann
The Archdiocese of Trento, in northern Italy, has dismissed a local priest who said in a television interview on Tuesday that in many cases of pedophilia the abused child was at fault. 
“Unfortunately there are children who seek affection because they don’t get it at home,” the priest, the Rev. Gino Flaim, told a reporter for LA7, an Italian channel. “And perhaps if they find some priest, he can succumb.” Pedophilia is, in any case, “a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted,” he said.