
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

11 October 2015

St. John Bosco; Don Bosco.

Saint John Bosco... was a very Favourite Saint of mine... what i loved about him... was how he took in all of the homeless boys... I so wanted to be a boy... so I could go to one of his homes... Boys Town... rang in my head... I got every thing about him... and also Saint Dominic Savio... they were my heros...
But I never knew the hardship... of his boys... in years to come... would be raped... abused... and raped many times over... and brought shame on his name... and dare to call themseleves... Salesians Brothers of Don Bosco... I hope that they will get... what is coming to them... they terrorised his innocent boys...
how could they do so much evil?... under such a good name... they say that good can come out of evil... who every said that... was so wrong... these brothers... bought shame onto a very good man's name...
I did not know... about the sexual abuse... which these Salesians Brothers of Don Bosco... had done to these boys... until Roy told us here on Catholica... I was so shocked... to every think about it... hurt me so much... about these boys... and the name  Salesians Brothers of Don Bosco... had used to do these evil deeds with... how could they every do these evil things in his name... they did not care about that... as they never cared... about using god's name... to sexula abuse... and abused the boys... and girls with...   Ann
Founder of the Salesian Society. Born of poor parents in a little cabin at Becchi, a hill-side hamlet near Castelnuovo, Piedmont, Italy, 16 August, 1815; died 31 January 1888; declared Venerable by Pius X, 21 July, 1907. Note: Pope Pius XI beatified him in 1929 and canonized him in 1934.
When he was little more than two years old his father died, leaving the support of three boys to the mother, Margaret Bosco. John's early years were spent as a shepherd and he received his first instruction at the hands of the parish priest. He possessed a ready wit, a retentive memory, and as years passed his appetite for study grew stronger. Owing to the poverty of the home, however, he was often obliged to turn from his books to the field, but the desire of what he had to give up never left him. In 1835 he entered the seminary at Chieri and after six years of study was ordained priest on the eve of Trinity Sunday by Archbishop Franzoni of Turin.
