
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

10 October 2015

Why Pope Francis cannot win on sexual abuse

Not one or the men and women in New Zealand... were paid money for telling their story on TV... and-or in the papers... I was one of the women who were interviewed many a time... for the papers and a few times for TV... and the reason why the New Zealand ,men and women... of the catholic church abuse did not go to court... the nuns and priest in the last two months... said no and we hear from our lawyers... that they wanted a mediation instead... we were very upset about this... but we could do nothing about it... and as though we were little children again... we had to obey the nuns and priest... and we had no say what so ever... about wanting to have our cases heard in court... all that we had being through up to our court case... was thrown out the window...

now the nuns and priest had another agenda for this... if our cases were heard in the courts of New Zealand... more men and women... would of come forward... so that was why I went on TV... and had my story in the papers as well... and still today... more and more men and women... from the catholic church orphanages and homes in New Zealand... have found their voice... and now they are coming forward... so as to help others and to let them know... that they are not alone... these men and women are very brave... and they want to tell their stories... so as this abuse of children never goes unseen ever again... I wish then well... and to tell them to be strong... be prude of yourselves... as this is the biggest step... you have ever taken in your life... and it is the start for you all.. to stand up and say to the catholic church... you not only abused us... you abused countless other little children worldwide... and now we all stand together as ONE NATION... for justice to be done for us men and women... of the catholic church home and orphanages worldwide... Ann Free Spirit
Pope Francis has done more than any of his predecessors to seek to punish those guilty of clerical sexual abuse. Even so, when he defends a cleric who has been accused, he is in a no-win situation. That’s because huge numbers of people form their positions on individual cases of sexual abuse without any significant knowledge of the facts.
Clearly it is foolish to reflexively deny claims of clerical sexual abuse by victims. Too many have been proved true. But it is just as foolish to reflexively believe such claims. We live in an age when people revel in victim status, confessing to all kinds of things on radio talk shows, making money from the media for “telling their story”, and often receiving significant cash settlements from the Church—not infrequently without going to trial.
