
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

20 November 2015

2 more say they were abused by NM priests

They decided to tell their stories after hearing about the new movie "Spotlight," which premieres Friday. It tells the story of how a group of journalists uncovered the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.
The two men who say they were abused in New Mexico say they feel there's still a bit too much secrecy at play. "I won't be anonymous anymore," says Brian Gutierrez. The movie is based on a true story of how the Boston Globe exposed what became a massive scandal of abuse involving Catholic priests.
