
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
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16 June 2016

George Pell is staying on at the Vatican? Whatever, he is now irrelevant to Australians

Cardinal George Pell turned 75 last Wednesday. Usually I don’t mark the birthdays of princes of the church. I’m sure they’ve got enough people around them – fellow cardinals, under-secretaries, Curia officials, Opus Dei acolytes, housekeepers – to organise a cake for morning tea. Besides, there’s nothing I could get for the man who already has everything he ever wanted: a little red hat, a gold ring and the pope’s ear.
But this particular birthday is one in which I thought I might take more than a passing interest. After all, church practice asks cardinals to tender their resignation to the pope at age 75. Kind of like a reverse gift from the birthday boy back to the church.
