
Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest
and other Denomination Worldwide

Please be advised that some may find stories here Highly Uncomfortable & Upsetting to read.
" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

7 June 2016

'Like a loving mother': Negligence and abuse in the Catholic clergy

'...the Church loves all her children, but cares for and protects the smallest and most defenseless with a very particular aff.  On Saturday, Pope Francis issued an edict on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults, in which he said that negligence on the part of a bishop can constitute removal from office.
Entitled "Like a loving mother," the edict -- officially called a motu proprio - contributes to existing norms in place with regard to abuse cases. It particularly pertains to bishops, eparchs, or religious superiors who are deemed guilty of negligence in such cases.
